PTHS Student Handbook 2023-2024
15. Transfer to an alternative program if the student is expelled or otherwise qualifies for transfer under State law. 16. Notifying juvenile authorities or other law enforcement whenever the conduct involves criminal activity, such as, illegal drugs (controlled substances), “look-alikes,” alcohol or weapons or in other circumstances as authorized by the reciprocal reporting agreement between the District and local law enforcement agencies. The above list of disciplinary measures is a range of options that will not always be applicable in every case. In some circumstances, it may not be possible to avoid suspending or expelling a student because behavioral interventions, other than a suspension or expulsion, will not be appropriate and available, and the only reasonable and practical way to resolve the threat and/or address the disruption is a suspension or expulsion. ROOM DETENTIONS Detentions may be assigned by the teachers to be served at times arranged by them. Students will be given at least a one day notice before they are to serve the room detention. Individual room detentions will be a maximum of 30 minutes. Failure to serve detentions will result in the following: 1st No-Show: The teacher will assign one additional detention to be served with the teacher and contact the parents/guardians. 2nd No-Show: Students who fail to serve second detentions will be referred to the administration. Consequences may range from detention to suspension from school. BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL DETENTIONS Students will be assigned detentions for inappropriate behavior. Whenever possible, students will be notified of a detention assignment in person by an administrator and notification will be provided to parents/guardians. Detentions will be held before or after school. Students will be expected to do school work or will read for the entire time they are assigned. If a student refuses to do the work or is disruptive, he/she will be asked to leave. Students who arrive late to detentions will not be admitted and any student who does not attend an assigned detention or is removed for any reason will be referred to administration. Participation in a sporting event, work, or other extra-curricular activity is not an excuse to miss a detention. If a student has an excused absence the day of the assigned detention, or an essential doctor or dentist appointment, he/she must bring in a note and make arrangements with the appropriate administrator to move their detention to the following available detention date. Room detentions may be assigned for but not limited to the following types of infractions: 1. Violation of classroom rules 2. Tardiness to class after first hour 3. Any behavior which, in the judgment of the teacher, interferes with instruction 4. Inappropriate language
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