PTHS Student Handbook 2023-2024
Entering freshmen and transfer students must provide a scholastic record from previous schools. These records will be accepted as correct in regard to student standing, birth date, and satisfactory completion of first eight grades-- unless reason for questioning of their validity arises. “Non-eighth grade graduates” will be accepted only in special cases, and such cases shall be reviewed and considered individually by the school administration. Each entering freshman will be required, in accordance with the state law, to submit a record of Illinois physical and immunization record upon entrance to school.
Scholastic achievement requirements for entering students may be established by the Board of Education.
NON-RESIDENT STUDENTS Non-resident students will not be accepted for enrollment unless recommended by the administration and approved by the Board of Education. Tuition shall be in accordance with the last calculated total cost per student in the district. PHYSICAL EDUCATION All students will either take Physical Education daily or present a doctor’s excuse to the office. If it is necessary that you be excused from participation in class for one day, you need to bring a statement from your parent and give it to your teacher. For more than one day, but not more than three days, you must bring a written statement from your doctor and give it to your teacher. For all medicals that are more than three days you must bring a note from your doctor (stating the specific reason and the length of time you will be unable to participate). A copy of the doctor’s note will be kept by your teacher. If you are on an extended medical (3 or more days) you will continue to report to your Physical Education class. In lieu of your participation you will be required to complete written assessments, research paper or an activity allowed by your physician. Completion of these alternative assignments will count towards the student’s participation grade. It is imperative that you take responsibility and the initiative to communicate with your P.E. instructor when the need for a medical excuse from physical education arises. The failure to follow the medical procedure could result in the loss of credit. All students enrolled in physical education are required to wear any PTHS or LACC shirt (any athletic shorts regardless of color). Physical education shirts may be purchased at school through the physical education staff or various clothing stores throughout the community. EXEMPTION FROM PHYSICAL EDUCATION In order to be excused from participation in physical education, a student must present an appropriate excuse from his or her parent/guardian or from a person licensed under the Medical Practice Act. The excuse may be based on medical or religious prohibitions. An excuse because of medical reasons must include a signed statement from a person licensed under the Medical Practice Act that corroborates the medical reason for the request. An excuse based on religious reasons must include a signed statement from a member of the clergy that corroborates the religious reason for the request.
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