PTHS Student Handbook 2023-2024
EARLY GRADUATION Each individual request for early graduation will be reviewed and judged on the merit of the situation by the Superintendent or Designee. In order for students to be granted the opportunity to graduate early they must have been a student at PTHS for at least three consecutive years. Procedural steps to request early graduation are as follows: 1. Letter to Guidance Department from student and parents/guardians stating specific reason for early graduation request. 2. Confirmation by the Guidance Department that graduation requirements will be met. 3. Conference with Superintendent or Designee to review criteria and rationale for request. 4. Early graduation request approved by Superintendent or Designee. ROE ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL PLACEMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Outside educational placements of students is never taken lightly. The ultimate decision of student placement at the ROE Alternative School is that of the PTHS administration. Parents and students will meet with the administration and guidance staff to complete the enrollment process when this decision is made. Unless otherwise instructed, students are to remain attending PTHS until the official start date at the ROE Alternative School is reached. Students (and parents) understand that by choosing to attend the ROE Alternative School program, the following activities or privileges at Pontiac Township High School are no longer available to ROE Alternative Students: ● Attendance at all PTHS sponsored dances ● Participation in all PTHS sponsored graduation ceremonies ● Free admission to all PTHS sponsored activities FIFTH-YEAR AND BEYOND STUDENTS The School Board has agreed to release 5-year students after the final class in the student’s day. This policy affects only those students choosing to attend school beyond 12th grade. GRADUATION CEREMONIES In order for a student to attend graduation ceremonies and receive a diploma from Pontiac Township High School, a student must attend PTHS and meet all requirements set forth by the Board of Education. Students who attend the ROE Alternative School will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony. There will be no exceptions to this policy. Unless an absence is approved by an administrator, seniors must attend graduation practice in order to participate in the graduation ceremony. Seniors who do not participate in the graduation ceremony can pick up their diplomas during business hours on a date after the ceremony. REQUESTS FROM MILITARY OR INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING Upon their request, military recruiters and institutions of higher learning will be given access to students’ names, addresses and telephone numbers. Parents who do not want their child’s name to be released (or
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