PTHS Student Handbook 2023-2024
GRADUATE OF DISTINCTION PROGRAM The Graduate of Distinction Program will recognize student accomplishments in the 4 Mission Pillars: Adaptive Learners, Global Thinkers, Responsible Citizens, and Collaboration across School Community. Under the Mission Pillars are the Categories: Academic Achievement, Attendance, Citizenship, Community Service, and Participation in Extra-curricular and Co-curricular activities. Students accumulate points as described on the attached rubric and must accumulate points in each of the five Categories. Students meeting the criteria will be recognized at graduation by receiving the Graduate of Distinction Medal. All respective documents and materials can be found on the PTHS website. COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER SELECTION Students who have been designated as a “Graduate of Distinction” are welcome to submit a speech to the Main Office by May 5th of their graduation year. The speeches will be read by a panel made up of staff (student names will be redacted for anonymity purposes). Once all entries have been read, the panel will deliberate and extend an invitation to the student(s) they have selected to speak at the graduation ceremony. SCHOLASTIC HONOR ROLL Pontiac Township High School recognizes all students who maintain a consistently high level of achievement in the subject matter field. Three honor rolls are designated for students who achieve high levels of academic excellence. The three honor rolls include: ● Straight A Honors - attainment of A’s in all classes;
● High Honors - attainment of 3.75-4.0 in all classes which count toward GPA; ● Honors - attainment of 3.0-3.74 in all classes which count toward GPA.
Students receiving a D or F in any course as a 9-week or semester grade do not qualify for Honor Roll designation for that grading period.
INTERPRETATION OF LETTER GRADES Semester grades must be calculated using percentages. Plus and minus symbols may be used in all grade reporting. In figuring the semester grade, the comprehensive semester grade will reflect student learning throughout the entire semester, including any final summative assessment administered. A final summative assessment can count for up to 20% of the semester grade. Each department may decide the percentage for the summative assessment; however the percentage must be consistent within common classes.
Each semester grade will stand on its own. There will be no conditional grades given.
An “I” indicates that work has not been satisfactorily completed. Incomplete grades may be given only for health reasons or circumstances approved by the administration. Incomplete work must be completed within two weeks after the close of the grading period unless approved by administration. All incomplete assignments, tests, and exams will be recorded as a “0” if the student does not complete the work within the required make-up time frame.
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