PTHS Student Handbook 2021-2022
68 resources on suicide and depression awareness and prevention. Much of this information, including a copy of school district’s policy, is posted on the school district website. Information can also be obtained from the school office. National Suicide Prevention Life Line: 1 (800) 273- TALK (8255) SCHOOL-WIDE CLASSROOM DISCIPLINE PLAN This plan allows every student to manage his or her behavior. We believe this plan will promote a good learning environment for academic and social success. We encourage all students to display appropriate behavior. If a student chooses to break a rule, the following consequences will be administered cumulatively on a daily basis. Step 1 - Warning for violation of handbook/classroom rules. Step 2 - Room Detention with the teacher. (10 minute maximum) Parents will be contacted by teacher. Step 3 - Room Detention with the teacher. (30 minute maximum) Teacher must provide 24 hours notice. Parents will be contacted by the teacher. Step 4 - Severe Case - Sent to the office. Sent to the office after Steps 1, 2, 3 have failed. Student displayed gross misconduct. Violations will be handled on an individual basis by the administration. Consequences may range from verbal reprimand to expulsion. If a student repeatedly exhibits inappropriate, disruptive or insubordinate behavior the teacher may skip any step on the plan, dropping down to more serious consequences. PROCEDURES FOR REMOVAL FROM CLASS (Per Semester) 1. In the event a teacher feels it is necessary to remove a student from class, the student will be directed to the Assistant Principal’s or Principal’s office. A discipline referral form should be completed by the teacher indicating the reason for the dismissal and what attempts have been taken to correct the behavior, and this will be carried by the student when he/she reports to the office. 2. The office views student removal from class as a serious offense indicating that the teacher has utilized all means to improve behavior and is seeking Administrative assistance. 3. The following minimum procedures will be followed: FIRST VIOLATION : The student will be removed from the class for the remainder of the period and sent to the main office. Students sent to the office will be handled on an individual basis by the administration. Consequences may range from verbal reprimand to suspension from school. SECOND VIOLATION : The student will be removed from class for the remainder of the period and sent to the office. A conference will be scheduled with the parents, student, teacher, and the administration before the student will be allowed to return to the class. The student will remain out of class and under the supervision of the administration until the conference is held. It will be decided at this conference if and under what conditions the student will return to class. Further disciplinary action may also be discussed/applied. THIRD VIOLATION : If the student is removed from class for a third time, he/she may be withdrawn from the class with a WF (Withdrew Failing) and placed in a study hall. The parents will be notified, and they may request a conference to review the disciplinary action. By following the rules it allows our faculty to teach, thus creating a productive classroom environment.
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