PTHS Student Handbook 2021-2022
41 4. Early graduation request approved by Superintendent or Designee. ROE ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL PLACEMENT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING
Outside educational placements of students is never taken lightly. The ultimate decision of student placement at the ROE Alternative School is that of the PTHS administration. Parents and students will meet with the administration and guidance staff to complete the enrollment process when this decision is made. Unless otherwise instructed, students are to remain attending PTHS until the official start date at the ROE Alterative School is reached. Students (and parents) understand that by choosing to attend the ROE Alternative School program, the following activities or privileges at Pontiac Township High School are no longer available to ROE Alternative Students: • Attendance at all PTHS sponsored dances • Participation in all PTHS sponsored graduation ceremonies • Free admission to all PTHS sponsored activities FIFTH-YEAR AND BEYOND STUDENTS The School Board has agreed to release 5-year students after the final class in the student’s day. This policy affects only those students choosing to attend school beyond 12th grade. GRADUATION CEREMONIES In order for a student to attend graduation ceremonies and receive a diploma from Pontiac Township High School, a student must attend PTHS and meet all requirements set forth by the Board of Education. Students who attend the ROE Alternative School will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony. There will be no exceptions to this policy. REQUESTS FROM MILITARY OR INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING Upon their request, military recruiters and institutions of higher learning will be given access to students’ names, addresses and telephone numbers. Parents who do not want their child’s name to be released (or students over the age of 18 who do not want their name released) should contact the building principal by October GUIDANCE SERVICES COUNSELOR ASSIGNMENT: Lisa Meyer - A-K, and Jeff Flott -L-Z The functions of the department can be divided into three areas: Educational Guidance, Career Guidance, and Personal Counseling. Educational Guidance helps students develop their educational goals, select courses and make post-high school plans. The counselors schedule routine conferences at least twice a year with all the students to discuss their educational and vocational plans. Group guidance sessions are held to disseminate information and interpret test scores; however, this is never intended to discourage students from seeking individual help from a counselor when the need arises. Vocational guidance aids students in gathering information and considering careers in conjunction with their standardized testing results. Special activities include a tour for all sophomores of the Livingston Area Career Center and the Career Day.
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