PTHS Curriculum Guide 2025-2026
TO THE STUDENT AND PARENTS This Curriculum Guide should provide most of the information you need to plan a successful and rewarding high school experience. It can also assist in choosing electives most appropriate for your post-high school plans. Your counselor can expand further on opportunities after high school and make suggestions appropriate for your interests and abilities. We stress the importance of seeking help from the counselors whenever a question comes to you. Our primary concern is that your experience at Pontiac Township High School be worthwhile. We urge you to seek whatever help you need in planning your program; your first step toward a successful four-year experience rests with your course choices and four-year plan. The course listings and descriptions that follow should help to that end. MISSION STATEMENT We are committed to our development as adaptive learners, global thinkers, and responsible citizens through collaboration across our school community. VALUE STATEMENTS As a PTHS Teacher I will... ● Uphold our school’s mission, philosophy, and goals. ● Regularly communicate with my students and their parents/guardians. ● Create a safe and welcoming environment for my students and their parents/guardians. ● Regularly monitor my students’ progress and adjust my instruction to give all students the opportunity to succeed. ● Continually work to improve my own expertise (as an educator and as an expert in my field) to help all students be successful. MOTTO Enter to Learn, Depart to Serve
● Place a priority on creating a rigorous and relevant curriculum. ● Promote literacy through real world and global connections. ● Integrate 21st Century skills to develop college and career readiness.
As the Parent/Guardian of a PTHS Student I will... ● Place a priority on education in my home.
● Support our school’s mission, philosophy, and goals at home. ● Regularly monitor my student’s progress in his or her classes. ● Communicate with my student’s teachers. ● Provide a quiet place for my student to study at home.
● Attend open houses and conferences. ● Promote regular attendance to school.
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