PTHS Curriculum Guide 2025-2026
What types of assessments may be used during the Field-Based Experience and On-line Learning?
Interim and Summative Assessments Interim assessments are periodically used to measure progress while summative assessments are comprehensive and less frequent. Interim assessments allow teachers to guide and track learning. In addition, they help paint a portrait of what students know and understand as well as topics students are having difficulty grasping.
Summative assessment certifies learning. Generally, educators administer a summative assessment near the end of an instructional unit to help them answer the question, “What did students learn?”
A wide array of assessment instruments are used for summative assessment, including: ● End-of-unit tests and end-of-course tests ● Performance tasks/simulations ● Portfolios
● Oral examinations ● Research reports
LIVINGSTON AREA CAREER CENTER COURSE OFFERINGS Juniors and Seniors also have the option of taking classes from the Livingston Area Career Center. Students interested in taking career courses must apply to the LACC when they register for classes.
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