Class of 2025 Orientation
JANUARY 27 , 2021
Vi r tual Or ientat ion Program (check your e-mai l or go to our webs i te at www.pont for the program post ing . We highl y encourage al l 8th grade students and parents to v iew the informat ion pr ior to your school meet ing . )
FEBRUARY 2 - 10, 2021
School Meet ings (pr ior to thi s meet ing , please v iew your students PSAT 8/9 scores and course placement suggest ions sent wi th the let ter f rom PTHS Guidance Counselors in January . Student needs to br ing purple course sheet wi th them to the meet ing . )
NOW - JULY 23, 2021
School Phys i cal and Dental Forms Due ( turn in school phys i cal and dental forms by e-mai l , fax or in person to Pont iac Township High School . )
JULY 26 - AUGUST 10, 2021
Onl ine Regi st rat ion (school phys i cal and dental form must be turned in and ver i f ied by our school nurse before you can regi ster your student . ) NO EXCEPTIONS!
AUGUST 18, 2021
Freshmen Mini Schedule ( thi s i s the f i rst day of school for al l f reshmen)
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