The CHIEF September 2017
Upperclass Acts
Kamryn Moore
NAME: Kamryn Moore
NICKNAMES: Kamille, Kam, Kammy
ROLE MODEL(S): My grandmas
PET PEEVES: When people spell my name wrong and when people walk slow/on the wrong side of the hallway WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: my ambitiousness, my competitiveness, picky eating, and sense of humor HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? First, I would pay for all of my schooling. After that I would travel to all 7 continents and see the 7 wonders of the world. The rest I would save for a rainy day. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? A water purifier, apple seeds, and a book
ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Class officers, Speech Team, Science Club, P2D2, Interact, Yearbook, The Chief, Student Council, Unified Soccer, Peers in Action
FONDEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO FAR: Being a Rotary Youth Exchange Student in Thailand
3 MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST: Travel, writing, and helping people
PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: Attend a 4 year university to major in International Studies
FAVORITE MOVIE: A Walk to Remember
MOST INSPIRATIONAL SONG: “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey
LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Be whatever you want to be, and do whatever makes you happy.”
FAVORITE AUTHOR/BOOK: What We Left Behind by Robin Talley
MOST POSITIVE MOMENT: When I got accepted to be an
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