The CHIEF October 2018
h Critic's
Music Review: "Falling Down"
By Becca True
When looking at the top charts on Spotify, it is clear to see who is dominating the list. Rap is the most prevalent genre seen on the global charts, which is usual, but the unique aspect is seen in which rappers have the most popular hits. Both “ Lil Peep ” and “ XXXTENTACION ” are rappers who died previously this year. Lil Peep died from an overdose, and XXXTENTACION, also known as X, was murdered in the middle of a street while driving. Although both rappers were a bit more obscure and never truly hit the charts during their lives, after their unfortunate ends they are more successful than they ever were alive. Their collaboration “ Falling Down ” was just released this week, and it has landed a #4 spot on the charts. An interesting conclusion can be made that although their lives are over, it is only the beginning for their music.
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