The CHIEF November 2018
By Alyssa Rodriguez
Fine Arts
Marching Indians - U of I Competition
On the 21st of October, PTHS held their annual fall choral concert. The theme for this concert was “Spirits & Specters.” The showcase started with the men's choir that did a phenomenal job on all of their pieces. Next was Treble Cantabile that contained all of the freshman female voices for a great performance. Then Bel Canto, or advanced women's choir, took the stage for the four songs they prepared. Between each choir, special groups were highlighted such as the barbershop quartet and the Madrigal singers. Finally, to close the showcase, the concert choir performed several wonderful pieces. As this concert flew by, the students involved in choir will now start to work on winter and Christmas music for the next upcoming band and choir performance. Since May, the Pontiac Marching Indians have put so much time and effort into their show this year. All the months of preparation and cleaning finally paid off at the closing competition for Pontiac. On October 20th, the Pontiac Indians took the field at U of I to perform their final run through of their show titled Ex Machina . The eight minute show was complete with three full movements and tons of added-on body movements. For the freshman, this was their biggest competition they had to face and for the seniors it was their last performance as a Marching Indian. Everything the Indians had worked on these past few months paid off when the speakers announced that PTHS won third place in their class and sixth place overall. As the marching season now is to a close, the band will now prepare for the incoming winter concert. Fall Choir Showcase
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