The CHIEF November 2018
I have been a Pontiac Police Officer since April, 2013. This past summer, I volunteered to be the School Resource Officer (SRO) for both Pontiac School Districts, 90 & 429. As your SRO, my primary responsibility is safety and security, to ensure a safe learning environment. So, if you “ see something, say something. ” I am also here to provide valuable resources to students, parents, staff, and our community. I can be utilized as a resource for conflict resolution and law related education. As your SRO, you may see me in your classes presenting a specific topic, at extra-curricular activities, or just walking around the school campus, conducting security checks. I will do my best to get to know as many of you as I can, but feel free to stop by my office and introduce yourself.
By O f f i c e r Ende r l i
Hello everyone! I would like to take this time, to introduce myself, and let you all know why I am here. My name is Brian Enderli and I am a 2008 graduate of PTHS. While at PTHS, I was involved in band, where I marched in the drumline all four years. I was also highly involved in FFA, where I served as a chapter officer, competed in CDE Events, and received my State FFA Degree my Junior year. I was also a student of Mr. Bristow, and went through both Law I and Law II classes, which is part of what led me to this career. I attended Illinois State University, where I spent one semester studying in Canterbury, England. In May, 2012, I graduated from ISU with a Bachelor ’ s in Criminal Justice Sciences.
Have a great rest of the semester!
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