The CHIEF January 2021
Pontiac Key Club By: Ava Nollen
Activities Update
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the Pontiac Key Club has been unable to do the usual volunteering, but morale is still high! I interviewed many members and got overwhelmingly positive responses back, reminiscing about past years and this year as well. What has the hardest part of Key Club been during this strange year? “The hardest part about Key Club this year has been gathering for in-person service activities due to health regulations,” Ali Barton said. What is your favorite memory from Key Club? “My favorite memory was timing at the girls swim meet last year. I got to cheer on my friends while helping out the team.” -Lydia Grampp. Ali Barton and Grace Mund both said that their favorite memory was the 2019 Key Club International Convention in Baltimore, Maryland. What is something you liked doing or were excited to do this year? Ali Barton said, “Despite the circumstances, I enjoyed being forced to adapt as I-I District Lt. Governor. I learned new skills and techniques that allowed me to advance as a leader in my school and community.” Olivia Schickel, Co-Editor, commented “This year, I was most excited to have the opportunity to create and run our club Instagram along with my peer. Being able to reach out to our students through social media has been very rewarding, and I get to share my passion for service in a unique way even amidst a global crisis.” What has been your favorite project we’ve done? Lydia Grampp, a junior and a member in Key Club, said that writing letters to the residents at the nursing home was her favorite summer project. She commented, “I like how Key Club adapted with the situations we were in.” Ali, Olivia, and Grace Munds’ favorite project was the roadside cleanup on Route 66.
By: Gabe Travis Madrigals
As the fall school semester has gone by along with 2020, we can put behind us some of the trials that faced the globe during the year. Thankfully, the Madrigals were able to put together one last memory to help make 2020 seem a little less dreary. Directed by Mr. Durbin, the Madrigals created a video consisting of twenty minutes of holiday carols and nice messages from all of the ensemble members wishing everyone glad tidings as we welcome in the New Year. The video, titled “Madrigal Album,” is located on the PTHS Music Facebook page and also on YouTube. 2020 was hard on everyone, but the Madrigals persevered to give the year a happy note to end on.
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