The CHIEF January 2018
Upperclass Acts
Patrick Bromley
NAME: Patrick Bromley
FAVORITE TEACHER/CLASS: AP English with Mr. Ramseyer
NICKNAMES: Pat, PJ, Patricia, Patsy
ROLE MODEL(S): My pastor
ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Scholastic Bowl, Math Team, Band, Madrigal/Swinging Bridge Brass, Chess Club
MOST POSITIVE MOMENT: Any concert with the band.
FONDEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO FAR: Going to New York with the band and watching Phantom of the Opera.
PET PEEVES: When people move slowly in the hallway or congregate at one locker.
WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: I’m very knowledgeable about math.
3 MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST: Music, Technology, and Math
HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? Buy necessities for people who need it and then save the rest. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? A flare gun, a machete, and a water filtration device LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Make sure to try your best, even when you’re busy. It’s a lot easier to keep a high GPA then to raise a low GPA.”
PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: Go to Bradley and major in Music Education
FAVORITE MOVIE: Perks of Being a Wallflower
MOST INSPIRATIONAL SONG: “Shooting Star” by Owl City
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