The CHIEF January 2018
Read about the Girls Golf State Champion, PTHS Junior Ali Schrock!
Check out which PTHS seniors are this month's Upperclass Acts!
table of contents
03 State Champion
04 Upperclass Acts
06 Student Surveys
06 Me Poems
07 FilmReview
08 Literature Review
09 Student Poetry
Her brother was her biggest influence to become a golfer. He originally had an interest and Ali wanted to be just like him. Ever since taking a few lessons and playing in her first competitive tournament, she has had a huge love for the game. Golfing is a family tradition; besides Ali and her brother, her dad, sister and grandfather are big golfers as well with her little sister winning a state championship too. Ali practices whenever she can, even through the winter and takes lessons with her swinging coach. She wants to be the best that she can and knows that will only happen if she works hard. She says that it feels amazing to have won State and that it has been a goal of hers since entering high school. Ali also wants to become a professional golfer someday and that it would be a dream come true for her. Good luck, Ali, from all of us at PTHS! N O M A D I C | 2 4
1 A S T A T E C H A M P
By Lu k e Mo r r i s s e t t e
When one of us at PTHS accomplishes something that they have set their mind on, it does not go unannounced. Ali Schrock has accomplished her goal of winning State in girls Golf her junior year. This was Ali’s first time ever winning state, although she had played and qualified to go to State both her freshman and sophomore year.
Upperclass Acts
Abigayle Orndorff
NAME: Abigayle Orndorff
FAVORITE AUTHOR/BOOK: 1984 By George Orwell
ROLE MODEL(S): Connie Zimmer (my grandma)
MOST POSITIVE MOMENT: Finding out that I was being inducted into National Honor Society.
ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Band, Choir, Color Guard, National Honor Society, Tri-M, and Thespians
PET PEEVES: People that walk slow in the hallway.
FONDEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO FAR: Going on the New York trip with the Music Department.
WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: I have red hair and I’m loud.
3 MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST: Nursing, music, and dance
HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? I would pay for college and buy a nice house.
PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: I want to go to nursing school and eventually become a nurse practitioner.
IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? Water, food, and my dog LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Enjoy high school while you can, and be involved because the four years will fly by.”
FAVORITE MOVIE: The Hunger Games
MOST INSPIRATIONAL SONG: “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten
Upperclass Acts
Patrick Bromley
NAME: Patrick Bromley
FAVORITE TEACHER/CLASS: AP English with Mr. Ramseyer
NICKNAMES: Pat, PJ, Patricia, Patsy
ROLE MODEL(S): My pastor
ACTIVITIES @ PTHS: Scholastic Bowl, Math Team, Band, Madrigal/Swinging Bridge Brass, Chess Club
MOST POSITIVE MOMENT: Any concert with the band.
FONDEST MEMORY OF HIGH SCHOOL SO FAR: Going to New York with the band and watching Phantom of the Opera.
PET PEEVES: When people move slowly in the hallway or congregate at one locker.
WHAT MY FRIENDS WILL REMEMBER ABOUT ME: I’m very knowledgeable about math.
3 MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST: Music, Technology, and Math
HOW WOULD YOU SPEND $1,000,000? Buy necessities for people who need it and then save the rest. IF YOU WERE STRANDED ON A DESERT ISLAND, WHAT 3 ITEMS WOULD YOU WANT WITH YOU? A flare gun, a machete, and a water filtration device LAST WORDS OF ADVICE: “Make sure to try your best, even when you’re busy. It’s a lot easier to keep a high GPA then to raise a low GPA.”
PLANS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL: Go to Bradley and major in Music Education
FAVORITE MOVIE: Perks of Being a Wallflower
MOST INSPIRATIONAL SONG: “Shooting Star” by Owl City
What is your favorite winter activity?
Me Poems
Michael Who wants to become a basketball player or photographer Son of Janice and Michael Funny, energetic, tired A basketball, football and track player Friends with Ryan, Peyton and Rocco Resident of Pontiac, IL Davis Sophie Who wants to become a college graduate Daughter of Kevin and Martha Kind, funny, creative A painter, video game player, and music listener Friends with Myranda, Katie and Violet Resident of Odell, IL Olson
Ice Skating - Griffin Nyi
Shopping - Aubrey Graves
Reading - Ashley Lauth
Ice Fishing - Nicholas Welshans
Sleeping - Kylee Lewis
Baking Cookies - Sam Mehrkens
Spending time with friends - Brayden Weaver
Playing violin - Ali Schrock
Keaton Who wants to become an actor
Sledding - Maddie Weber
Son of Joanna Hatfield Friendly, strong, busy
Playing board games - Megan Lauritsen
Sports player, singer, comic reader Fiends wih Haden, Nick and Aaron Resident of Saunemin, IL CaSores
Staying inside - Clay Miller
Playing basketball - Griffin
Th Critic's
Review of Star Wars Epidode VIII: The Last Jedi
By Joseph Gilmor Star Wars: the Last Jedi made its debut in theaters mid-December 2017 and left countless moviegoers, including myself, shocked and confused by the time the credits rolled. The Last Jedi certainly had a diverse cast, including a few characters from the Original Trilogy, such as Mark Hamill starring as Luke Skywalker and Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa, to supplement a number of more recent additions to the franchise, notably Adam Driver as Kylo Ren and Daisy Ridley as Rey. The return of such noteworthy characters as Luke and Leia really played to benefit The Last Jedi , and many fans were glad to see a few familiar faces amidst all the chaos and confusion of the movie. Of course, The Last Jedi was by no means unoriginal, and director Rian Johnson took a number of risks throughout production to create a plot with enough twists and turns to keep loyal Star Wars fans and theorists alike busy for quite some time, or at least until the release of Star Wars IX . The story begins with a daring Resistance attack on a First Order dreadnaught, after which things quickly spiral out of control, threatening to destroy the entire Resistance. Meanwhile, Rey begins her Jedi training with Luke Skywalker, who remains in exile since shortly after the events of Return of the Jedi. By the end of the film, moviegoers have been taken on an emotional rollercoaster, with some more enthusiastic fans (including myself) even being reduced to tears. Needless to say, The Last Jedi left countless fans anticipating the next installment of the Star Wars film. I, for one, cannot wait to buy my next ticket. Until then, may the Force be with us all.
Th Critic's
Review of Brandin Mull's Fablehaven
By Kenzie Cool
For centuries, Fableheven has opened their gates to otherworldly creatures looking for safety. When Kendra and Seth are forced to spend the summer with Grandma and Grandpa Sorenson, they stumble into a world they never imagined could be real. Unbeknown to the kids, their grandparents are caretakers of Fablehaven. Therefore, the rules must be followed at all times, if not the repercussions from the magical world can be nasty. When a major rule gets broken, an evil force is unleashed upon Fablehaven. Now it ’ s up to Seth and his sister to save the sanctuary, their family, and the world.
The Chief Staff
Student Poetry
Kamryn Moore: Editor-in-Chief
Leslie Babbs Kenzie Cool Kaelee Germain Joe Gilmor Sunshine Holt Alec Krainer Clay Miller Luke Morrissette Alyssa Rodriguez Becca True Hannah Wallace
"Star Boy" By Sunny Holt
He used to love nights like this The way the stars gleamed in the night sky The way the meteors made their way throughout the galaxy Destroying everything in their path Now, his lonely nights seemed relentless The stars were there to accompany him, of course They always were. They had been there when he lost himself But most importantly, They had been there when he lost her
Mr. Blair, Faculty Sponsor Mr. Soares, Faculty Sponsor
Enjoy creative writing? If you ever would ever like to see your creative pieces in The Chief , contact Mr. Soares or Mr. Blair!
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