The CHIEF February 2020
In other news, the school musical this year, Brigadoon , has finished casting, and music and dance rehearsals are now underway. This month also marked opening of the 2020 Unified Basketball season in Odell, where an eventful scrimmage made for a fun night for all involved. Thanks again for stopping by, and I hope you enjoy this month ’ s edition of The Chief !
By Joe G i l mo r
Hey, everybody, and thanks for tuning in to another edition of The Chief ! We ’ ve had a plethora of events going on around PTHS this month, from Scholastic Bowl meets to Unified Basketball games, and we ’ re here to keep you updated! This month, the varsity and junior varsity Scholastic Bowl players faced off against Prairie Central at a meet, winning all four of their games against the Hawks.
Sincerely, Joe Gilmor Co-Editor-in-Chief
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