The CHIEF December 2020

National Honor Society B y E m i l i e C o l l i n s

COVID-19 has yet to stop the academic success of many students at Pontiac. The Torch National Honor Society recently held their induction ceremony virtually. Ms. Baumgardner, the NHS advisor, opted to host a Zoom call in which she inducted returning and new members into the society. The call had over 100 participants that included PTHS staff and administrators, inductees and their families, and any others who were able to join in. The ceremony consisted opening remarks by Ms. Baumgardner and Mr. Kilgore, various speeches by retuning members, video advice from various alumni, and the induction of members. A congratulations is in order for all of the students who were inducted into the Torch National Honor Society. They are proving that despite our circumstances it is still possible to excel. Keep up the great work!

Key Club Update B y A v a N o l l e n

This month in Key Club has been a very productive one. Our Pontiac Key Club got 1st place in Trick or Treat for UNICEF. For our 22 North District, the Lieutenant Governor Election happened virtually. We surpassed our previous record for wreath sales by a large amount, a great accomplishment for our Key Club! For the holidays, Key Club is working on sending out Christmas gift baskets to those in need. For Thanksgiving, we collaborated to help send out meals for those in need. The club has many more project ideas for the upcoming months as well!

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