Board Report August 2024
Nicole Hayner, Family Leave of Absence (returning September 30, 2024)
Personnel Hires:
Patrick Unzicker, LACC Technology Instructor Matt Starker, Head Boys Basketball Ryan Weir, Volunteer Boys Basketball John Finnegan, Summer Custodial/Maintenance
Closed Session: Not Needed
Action Items: Approve the proposed meeting dates schedule for regular Board Meetings: A motion was made by Mr. Sartoris and seconded by Mr. Heller to approve the Fy25 Board meeting dates as presented. Motion passed on a voice vote. Approve the FY2024 Budget Amendment as presented: A motion was made by Mrs. Ralph and seconded by Mr. Lambert to approve the 2024 Budget Amendment as presented. Mr. Schrock, Mr. Sartoris, Mr. Heller, Mr. Masching, Mrs. Diemer, Mrs. Ralph and Mr. Lambert voted “yea” on a roll call vote. Motion was passed. Approve the resolution for Board authorization for the release and payment of all checks necessary to pay bills through the end of July 31, 2024 as presented : A motion was made by Mr. Masching and seconded by Mrs. Diemer to approve the resolution as presented. Mr. Schrock, Mr. Sartoris, Mr. Heller, Mr. Masching, Mrs. Diemer, Mrs. Ralph and Mr. Lambert voted “yea” on a roll call vote. M otion was passed. Approve Drew Keller to replace Matt Hunter as Board of Education Treasurer as presented: A motion was made by Mr. Lambert and seconded by Mr. Masching to approve Drew Keller as the Board of Education Treasurer as presented. Mr. Schrock, Mr. Sartoris, Mr. Heller, Mr. Masching, Mrs. Diemer, Mrs. Ralph and Mr. Lambert voted “yea” on a roll call vote. Motion was passed. Approve the annual surety bonds with Envision Insurance Group formerly Nixon Insurance for Kelly Carter (PTHS Bookkeeper), Diana Dennis (Cafeteria), Zach Gadbury (Athletics), Daria Robinson (Activity Accounts),Kathy Dunham (LACC/EFE) and Drew Keller (Treasurer) as presented: A motion was made by Mr. Heller and seconded by Mrs. Ralph to approve the bonds as presented. Mr. Schrock, Mr. Sartoris, Mr. Heller, Mr. Masching, Mrs. Diemer, Mrs. Ralph and Mr. Lambert voted “yea” on a roll call vote. Motion was passed. Approve the Blue Cross Blue Shield renewal proposal for FY 24-25 through BPA Troxel Benefits as presented: A motion was made by Mr. Sartoris and seconded by Mrs. Diemer to approve the proposal as presented: Mr. Schrock, Mr. Sartoris, Mr. Heller, Mr. Masching, Mrs. Diemer, Mrs. Ralph and Mr. Lambert voted “yea” on a roll call vote. Motion was passed.
Approve the Commercial Liability Insurance renewal proposal as presented July 1, 2024: A motion was made by Mrs. Ralph and seconded by Mr. Lambert to approve the proposal as
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