PTHS Student Handbook 2016-2017


The “Illinois School Code” states, “A child is subject to compulsory attendance and shall attend school on a regular basis in the district where the custodial parent resides.”

Parents are reminded the Illinois School Law places full responsibility on parents or guardians of having students in regular attendance at school.

ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL EVENTS For students to be eligible to compete or perform in an activity on that day, they must be in attendance no later than 11:15 a.m. Students will be allowed to participate in and attend any school activities on a non-school day following an absence if the absence was excused or was pre-arranged. Students with special circumstances, other than illness, will be considered for participation only with prior administrative approval. EARLY DISMISSAL PROCEDURES Students who need to leave the building for a doctor, dental, court, or other valid appointment must present a written request from their parent/guardian to the main office before school or during a passing period. All requests for early dismissal must be approved by the administration.

Once the request is approved the student will receive an Early Dismissal Pass to present to the teacher and the main office when it is time to leave the building.

When leaving the building the student must sign-out in the main office. When returning to the building, the student must sign back in at the main office and may be asked to present a written statement verifying the appointment.

EXCUSED ABSENCE/UNEXCUSED/TARDIES Students who are absent for a total of 10 or more days will be required to provide a doctor verification upon request to receive an excused absence, as determined by the administration. The note must be written by a doctor or a licensed medical practitioner. Failure to present this note will result in the absence being changed as an unexcused absence. A conference with the administration will then be conducted to determine the student’s future status. If the student continues to have excessive absences from school, the Livingston County Attendance Assistance Program caseworker will be notified with the potential for court proceedings including the Livingston County Truancy Review Board.

Excused absences may be granted for the following reasons: 1. Illness

5. Prearranged parent request 6. School-sponsored activity 7. Religious holiday observance

2. Death in the family

3. Doctor and dental appointments

4. Family emergency

8. Other: As approved by administration

Truancy (Per Year) Student attendance is critical to the learning process. Truancy is therefore a serious issue and will be dealt with in a serious manner by the administration. A parent or guardian who knowingly and willfully permits a child to be truant is in violation of State law. A student will be considered truant from school when the student misses any or all of the school day without a valid cause. Determination of a valid excuse is the responsibility of the administration and will follow the guidelines of the Illinois School Code, which defines a “chronic truant” as a student who has been absent without valid cause from such attendance for 5% or more of the previous 180 regular attendance days. 1st Violation - 1 detention, administrative conference, parent notification, and counselor conference. 2nd Violation - 3 detentions, administrative conference, parent notification, counselor conference, and Livingston County Attendance notification. Students who exceed the stated number of violations will be handled on an individual basis by the administration.


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